
Selasa, 18 September 2012

Fans Funs Making

Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai
The World God Only Knows 
Fans Creations

Well, I will share the fan stuffs about Kami Nomi here. The Elsie voice, Video made by me, sound remix, etc.
So enjoy and share if you want.

Music Video
Koi no Shirushi remix.
I made it from Koi no Shirushi Shiori version, Mio version, Ayumi version, and Kanon version. I remix it into 1 song, and I make the video too with picture of each heroine who sing the lyric.

Sound clip
I made some sound clip that you can use for your phone message, phone call, or email notification.
*click the title to go to the download link

There's 3 version of DoroDoro (Kakketama squad's skull censor). Elsie, Haqua, and Dokuro chief.

Here's Elsie's awawawawa when she feel shocked (so funny voice of her....:D)

A voice from Elsie when she captured kakketama(lost spirit) on the bottle

Here's Meru Dayo sound clip. This is Keima's email notification on his PFP.

Phone Theme
Here's Kami Nomi phone theme made by me.

Nokia N72

Nokia E61, E62, E63, E71, E72
-Nakagawa Kanon-

Nokia E61, E62, E63, E71, E72
-Nakagawa Kanon 2-

Nokia E61, E62, E63, E71, E72 
-Kami Nomi all heroine-

Nokia 5300 XM
-Goidou Yui-

Nokia 5300 XM
-Nakagawa Kanon-

Nokia N72
-Kami Nomi All Heroine-

Nokia N82
-Shiomiya Shiori-

Nokia N82
-Kujou Tsukiyo-

My Fan Art collection
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